// ==UserScript== // @name SmartProxyForChina.uc.js // @description 类似AutoProxy的UC脚本 // @author dannylee // @namespace lidanny2012/smartproxy@gmail.com // @include main // @license MIT License // @compatibility Firefox 13-21 // @charset UTF-8 // @version // @note 2014/07/25 完善可移动按钮,不支持放在 panelUI 里面。 // @note 1.2.1 2014/04/26 findbar is back, bugs is fixed by ABP2.6 // @note 1.2.0 2014/04/11 Modify for FF29's AddonbarforUC.uc.js // @note 1.1.0 2014/02/14 Fixed for FF27 ,cancel finderbar // @note 1.0.9 2014/01/15 更新订阅后自动载入并保存,全局代理不再匹配规则 // @note 2013/9/16 修复bug // @note 1.0.8 2013/9/7 修复个别含重定向地址的proxy bugs, 最小分辨率支持1024X768 // @note 1.0.8 2013/9/7 修改按钮动作, 左键点击弹出菜单,中键点击切换代理模式,右键点击打开系统规则和设置 // @note 1.0.7 2013/5/13 Fixed screen 1360X768 bugs // @note 1.0.6 2013/5/09 Fixed treeview bug in FF22 // @note 1.0.5 2013/4/30 Fixed bug and change icon // @note 1.0.4 2013/4/29 Fixed bug and url Unicode's view // @note 1.0.3 2013/4/28 ADD gfwlist download and update // @note 1.0.2 2013/4/26 Update For Use ABP 2.2.3 Matcher and Filter Class // @note 1.0.1 2013/4/11 Remove E4X // @note 1.0.0 2012/3/16 add UI for rule and import gfwlist file // @note 0.0.5 2011/10/21 limit proxy server numbers // @note 0.0.4 2011/8/19 update for nsIProtocolProxyService // @note 0.0.3 2011/8/18 update filter json file // @note 0.0.2 2011/8/15 update for abp filter class and match // @note 0.0.1 2011/8/13 Create Project // @note 与AutoProxy或其它代理脚本同时使用会冲突 // @note 不依赖ABP, 不安装ABP也可以使用, 也可以与ABP同时使用。 // @note Firefox代理设置为无,最好打开Firefox远程DNS解析 // @note 附加组件栏按钮, 左键点击切换代理模式,右键点击打开系统规则和设置。 // @note 下拉菜单切换代理模式和智能化的对当前站点的代理规则进行操作 // @note report bug and linkurl: https://g.mozest.com/thread-43513-1-1 // @updateURL https://j.mozest.com/ucscript/script/104.meta.js // @screenshot http://j.mozest.com/images/uploads/previews/000/00/01/c8e11c00-f2fd-eb7f-cc32-cad6a55ae316.jpg http://j.mozest.com/images/uploads/previews/000/00/01/thumb-c8e11c00-f2fd-eb7f-cc32-cad6a55ae316.jpg // ==/UserScript== (function(css){ if (window.SmartProxy) { window.SmartProxy.uninit(); delete window.SmartProxy; } const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cu = Components.utils; if (!window.Services) Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const ProxySrv = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIProtocolProxyService); const dirService = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIProperties); const ioService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); const _eTLDService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/effective-tld-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEffectiveTLDService); const _idnService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/idn-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIDNService); const promptService = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); const clipboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboard); const clipboardHelper = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper); const FileInputStream = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1", "nsIFileInputStream", "init"); const ConverterInputStream = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1", "nsIConverterInputStream", "init"); const FileOutputStream = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1", "nsIFileOutputStream", "init"); const ConverterOutputStream = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1", "nsIConverterOutputStream", "init"); const IPREG = /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])$/; const PORTREG = /^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$/; const SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_SUCCESS = 'DOWNLOAD SUCCESS'; var windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SmartProxy"]; window.SmartProxy = { QueryInterface: function(uuid) { if (!uuid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } return this; }, _ps: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService). getBranch("userChromeJS.SmartProxy."). QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2), Prefs: {}, SPfile: null, SPfilters: [], icon: null, popupid: null, MsgBox: null, SVRROWS: null, modebtn: null, noproxy: null, autoproxy: null, globalproxy: null, siteProxyOn: null, reportgfwlist: null, Treevisible: false, SPfilterActionMenu: null, _isready: false, _FilterIsReady: false, mode: ['disabled', 'auto', 'global'], init: function(){ this._isready = false; this._FilterIsReady = false; this.loadSPoverloay(); }, uninit: function(){ if (SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted) ProxySrv.uninit(); SPdefaultMatcher.clear(); this.SPfilters = null; this._ps.removeObserver("", this, false); this.popupid.parentNode.removeChild(this.popupid); this.icon.parentNode.removeChild(this.icon); var e = E("sp-mains"); if (e) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); var e = E("SP-splitter"); if (e) e.parentNode.removeChild(e); this.Prefs = {}; }, loadSPjson: function(){ this.SPfile = this._getSmartProxyfile(this.Prefs.patternsfile); var afile = this._getSmartProxyfile("SPpatterns.json"); if (afile.exists()) this._importpatternsfile(afile); else { if (this.SPfile.exists()) { var subrec = this._importSUBpatternsfile(this.SPfile); if (subrec > 0) SmartProxy.saveAllFilter(); } else { this.showMsg("没有任何代理规则!"); this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", "disabled"); } } }, loadSPoverloay: function() {//urlbar-icons // Search for widget toolbar by reading toolbar's currentset attribute let container = null; let toolbars = document.getElementsByTagName('toolbar'); let id = 'SmartProxy-button'; for (let i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i += 1) { let toolbar = toolbars[i]; if (toolbar.getAttribute('currentset').indexOf(id) !== -1) { container = toolbar; } } if (!container) { // console.log('111', '不存在 SmartProxy-button') } else { let nextNode = null; let currentSet = container.getAttribute('currentset'); let ids = (currentSet === '__empty') ? [] : currentSet.split(','); let idx = ids.indexOf(id); if (idx !== -1) { for (let i = idx; i < ids.length; i += 1) { nextNode = document.getElementById(ids[i]); if (nextNode) { break; } } } // console.log('111', 'nextNode is', nextNode); this.fixButton = function() { container.insertItem(id, nextNode, null, false); }; } var overlay = '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '; if (getFoxVer() >= 29) { if (window.UCADDONBAR) overlay.replace('', ''); else overlay.replace('', ''); } overlay = "data:application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(overlay); window.userChrome_js.loadOverlay(overlay, SmartProxy); SmartProxy.style = addStyle(css); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){ if (aTopic == "xul-overlay-merged") { if (!this._isready) { if (this.fixButton) { this.fixButton(); delete this.fixButton; } this.refreshPrefs(); this._ps.addObserver("", this, false); Application.console.log("SmartProxy界面加载完毕!"); this.icon = E("SmartProxy-button"); this.popupid = E("sp-popup"); this.MsgBox = E("SPMESSAGE"); this._isready = true; this.updateUI(); this._addSVRlist(); this.loadSPjson(); SmartProxy.FilterActions.init(); SmartProxy.FilterSearch.init(); if (!SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted) SmartProxy.Proxy.init(); } } if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed") { switch (aData) { case 'default_proxy': this.Prefs.default_proxy = this._ps.getIntPref("default_proxy"); this.updatetips(); SmartProxy.Proxy.setdefaultProxy(); break; case 'knownProxy': this.Prefs.knownProxy = this._ps.getCharPref("knownProxy"); if (SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted) SmartProxy.Proxy.uninit(); this._setproxyConfig(); this._addSVRlist(); this.updatetips(); if (!SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted) SmartProxy.Proxy.init(); break; case 'proxyMode': this.Prefs.proxyMode = this._ps.getCharPref("proxyMode"); this.updateSHOWMODE(); this.updatetips(); break; } } }, updateUI: function() { this.SVRROWS = E("SROWS"); this.modebtn = E("proxymode"); this.noproxy = E("noproxy"); this.autoproxy = E("autoproxy"); this.globalproxy = E("globalproxy"); this.siteProxyOn = E("siteProxyOn"); this.reportgfwlist = E("reportgfwlist"); this.SPfilterActionMenu = E("SPfilterActionMenu"); this.updateSHOWMODE(); this.updatetips(); }, updateSHOWMODE: function() { this.modebtn.value = this.Prefs.proxyMode; if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[0]) this.modebtn.selectedItem = this.noproxy; else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[1]) this.modebtn.selectedItem = this.autoproxy; else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[2]) this.modebtn.selectedItem = this.globalproxy; }, _addSVRlist: function(){ var pmenu = null; while (this.SVRROWS.lastChild) { if (this.SVRROWS.lastChild.id != "discription") this.SVRROWS.removeChild(this.SVRROWS.lastChild); else break; } while (this.popupid.firstChild) { this.popupid.removeChild(this.popupid.firstChild); } for (var i=0; i < this.proxyConfigs.length; i++) { this._createServerList(i, this.proxyConfigs[i]); pmenu = document.createElement("menuitem"); pmenu.setAttribute("id", "POPUP_" + i.toString()); pmenu.setAttribute("type", "radio"); pmenu.setAttribute("name", "SVRDEF"); pmenu.setAttribute("label", this.proxyConfigs[i].name + " " + this.proxyConfigs[i].host + ":" + this.proxyConfigs[i].port); if (i == this.Prefs.default_proxy) pmenu.setAttribute("checked", true); pmenu.setAttribute("oncommand", "SmartProxy.popdefaultproxy(event);"); this.popupid.appendChild(pmenu); } }, updatetips: function(){ this.updateicon(this.Prefs.proxyMode); if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[0]) this.icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "代理状态: 无"); else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[1]) this.icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "代理状态: 自动代理 \n " + this.formattiptext()); else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[2]) this.icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "代理状态: 全局代理 \n " + this.formattiptext()); //this.showMsg(this.icon.getAttribute("tooltiptext") + " " + this.formattiptext()); this.showMsg(this.icon.getAttribute("tooltiptext")); }, updateicon: function(proxyMode){ switch (proxyMode) { case "disabled" : this.icon.setAttribute("image", ""); break; case "auto" : this.icon.setAttribute("image", ""); break; case "global" : this.icon.setAttribute("image", ""); break; default: this.icon.setAttribute("image", ""); } }, formattiptext: function(){ var tips = this.proxyConfigs[this.Prefs.default_proxy].name + " " + this.proxyConfigs[this.Prefs.default_proxy].host + ":" + this.proxyConfigs[this.Prefs.default_proxy].port; return tips; }, savePrefs: function() { var svrstr = ""; for (let row=this.SVRROWS.firstChild.nextSibling; row; row=row.nextSibling) { var setstr = ""; var aELM = row.firstChild; if (aELM.value.trim() == "") setstr = "未命名"; else setstr = aELM.value.trim(); aELM = aELM.nextSibling; if (aELM.value.trim() == "") setstr = setstr + ";" + ""; else if (IPREG.test(aELM.value.trim())) { setstr = setstr + ";" + aELM.value.trim(); } else { alert("你输入的是神马主机?"); return; } aELM = aELM.nextSibling; if (aELM.value.trim() == "") setstr = setstr + ";" + "80"; else if (PORTREG.test(aELM.value.trim())) { setstr = setstr + ";" + aELM.value.trim(); } else { alert("你输入的是神马端口号?"); return; } aELM = aELM.nextSibling; setstr = setstr + ";" + aELM.value; if (svrstr == "") svrstr = setstr; else svrstr = svrstr+ "$" + setstr; } this._ps.setCharPref("knownProxy", svrstr); this.showMsg("服务器配置保存成功!"); }, refreshPrefs: function() { if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("knownProxy")) { this._ps.setCharPref("knownProxy","Free Gate;;8580;$Puff;;1984;$ssh -D;;7070;socks$Toonel;;8080;$Tor;;9050;socks$Wu Jie;;9666;$Your Freedom;;8080;"); } if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("default_proxy")) { this._ps.setIntPref("default_proxy", 5); } if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("proxyMode")) { this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", "auto"); } if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("curVersion")) { this._ps.setCharPref("curVersion", "0.4b2.2011041023"); } if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("patternsfile")) { this._ps.setCharPref("patternsfile", "SPpatterns.ini"); } if (!this._ps.prefHasUserValue("url")) { this._ps.setCharPref("url", "https://autoproxy-gfwlist.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/gfwlist.txt"); } this.Prefs = { default_proxy : this._ps.getIntPref("default_proxy"), knownProxy : this._ps.getCharPref("knownProxy"), proxyMode : this._ps.getCharPref("proxyMode"), curVersion : this._ps.getCharPref("curVersion"), patternsfile : this._ps.getCharPref("patternsfile"), url : this._ps.getCharPref("url") } this._setproxyConfig(); }, _setproxyConfig: function(){ this.proxyConfigs = []; this.proxyConfigs = this.Prefs.knownProxy.split("$").map( function(str) { var entry = str.split(";"); var SRV = {}; SRV.name = entry[0]; SRV.host = entry[1] == '' ? '' : entry[1]; SRV.port = entry[2]; SRV.type = /^socks4?$/i.test(entry[3]) ? entry[3] : 'http'; return(SRV); } ); }, _createServerList: function(aid, aProxy) { var proxyRow = document.createElement("row"); proxyRow.setAttribute("id", "PROXY_" + aid.toString()); var proxyName = document.createElement("textbox"); var proxyHost = document.createElement("textbox"); var proxyPort = document.createElement("textbox"); var proxyType = document.createElement("radiogroup"); var proxySel = document.createElement("checkbox"); proxySel.setAttribute("checked", (this.Prefs.default_proxy == aid) ? true : false); proxySel.setAttribute("oncommand", "SmartProxy.setdefaultproxy(event);"); proxyName.setAttribute("class", "proxyName"); proxyHost.setAttribute("class", "proxyHost"); proxyPort.setAttribute("class", "proxyPort"); proxySel.setAttribute("class", "selBox"); proxyType.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal"); var http = document.createElement("radio"); var socks = document.createElement("radio"); var socks4 = document.createElement("radio"); http.setAttribute("class", "proxyHttp"); http.setAttribute("value", "http"); socks.setAttribute("class", "proxySocks5"); socks.setAttribute("value", "socks"); socks4.setAttribute("class", "proxySocks4"); socks4.setAttribute("value", "socks4"); http.setAttribute("selected", aProxy && aProxy.type == "http" ); socks.setAttribute("selected", aProxy && aProxy.type == "socks" ); socks4.setAttribute("selected", aProxy && aProxy.type == "socks4"); if (aProxy) { proxyName.setAttribute("value", aProxy.name); proxyHost.setAttribute("value", aProxy.host); proxyPort.setAttribute("value", aProxy.port); } proxyType.appendChild(http); proxyType.appendChild(socks4); proxyType.appendChild(socks); proxyRow.appendChild(proxyName); proxyRow.appendChild(proxyHost); proxyRow.appendChild(proxyPort); proxyRow.appendChild(proxyType); proxyRow.appendChild(proxySel); this.SVRROWS.appendChild(proxyRow); }, setdefaultproxy: function(evt) { if (!evt.target.checked) evt.target.setAttribute("checked", true); else { var evp = evt.target.parentNode; var oevp; for (var i=0; i < this.proxyConfigs.length; i++){ oevp = E("PROXY_" + i.toString()); if (oevp != evp) { oevp.getElementsByTagName("checkbox")[0].setAttribute("checked", false); }else { this._ps.setIntPref("default_proxy", i); E("POPUP_" + i.toString()).setAttribute("checked", true); } } } }, popdefaultproxy: function(evt) { var evp = evt.target.id; evp = evp.substring(6); var oevp; for (var i=0; i < this.proxyConfigs.length; i++){ oevp = E("PROXY_" + i.toString()); if (i.toString() != evp) { oevp.getElementsByTagName("checkbox")[0].setAttribute("checked", false); }else { this._ps.setIntPref("default_proxy", i); oevp.getElementsByTagName("checkbox")[0].setAttribute("checked", true); } } }, setMode: function() { this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", this.modebtn.value); }, iconclick: function(evt) { if (evt.target != this.icon) return; if (evt.button == 1){ if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[0]) { this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", this.mode[1]); return; }else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[1]){ this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", this.mode[2]); return; }else if (this.Prefs.proxyMode == this.mode[2]) { this._ps.setCharPref("proxyMode", this.mode[0]); return; } }else if (evt.button == 2) { evt.preventDefault(); var QW1 = E("sp-mains"); var QW2 = E("SP-splitter"); if (QW1.hidden) { QW1.hidden = QW2.hidden = false; this.Treevisible = true; //SmartProxy.FilterView.updateData(); } else { QW1.hidden = QW2.hidden = true; this.Treevisible = false; } } }, showMsg: function(Msg){ this.MsgBox.value = Msg; }, closeslitterbar: function(){ var QW1 = E("sp-mains"); var QW2 = E("SP-splitter"); QW1.hidden = QW2.hidden = true; this.Treevisible = false; }, commandreport: function() { var crurl= getFocusedWindow().content.document.location; crurl = makeURI(crurl); if (crurl.scheme != "http" && crurl.scheme != "https" && crurl.scheme != "ftp") return; crurl = "https://gfwlist.autoproxy.org/report/?url=" + crurl.spec; let protocolService = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIExternalProtocolService); protocolService.loadURI(makeURI(crurl), null); }, setpopupenabled: function(evt) { var crurl= getFocusedWindow().content.document.location.href; //Application.console.log(crurl); var srurl = makeURI(crurl); if ((srurl.scheme != "http" && srurl.scheme != "https" && srurl.scheme != "ftp") || this.Prefs.proxyMode == "disabled") { this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("hidden", true); this.reportgfwlist.setAttribute("hidden", true); return; } else { //var docDomain = getHostname(crurl); var topDomain = getDomain(crurl); var matchs = SPdefaultMatcher.matchesAny(crurl, topDomain); if (matchs && matchs instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) { this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("hidden", true); this.reportgfwlist.setAttribute("hidden", true); return; } else if (matchs && matchs instanceof SPBlockingFilter) { this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("value", true); this.siteProxyOn.filter = matchs; this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("label", "禁用" + topDomain + "的代理规则"); return; } this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("hidden", false); this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("value", "blocked"); this.siteProxyOn.newfilter = [crurl, topDomain]; this.siteProxyOn.setAttribute("label", "对" + topDomain + "使用代理"); this.reportgfwlist.setAttribute("hidden", false); } }, setUrlproxy: function(evt){ if (evt.button != 0) return; if (evt.target.value != "blocked") { if (evt.target.filter) { for (let i = 0; i < this.SPfilters.length; i++) { if (this.SPfilters[i] == evt.target.filter) { this.SPfilters[i].disabled = evt.target.value; SmartProxy.FilterView.updateFilter(this.SPfilters[i]); if (this.SPfilters[i].disabled && this.SPfilters[i] instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(this.SPfilters[i])) SPdefaultMatcher.remove(this.SPfilters[i]); var afile = this._getSmartProxyfile("SPpatterns.json"); this._exportpatternsfile(afile); break; } } } } else { if (evt.target.value == "blocked" && evt.target.newfilter && evt.target.newfilter.length == 2) { var val = []; val = evt.target.newfilter; var ishave = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.SPfilters.length; i++) { if (this.SPfilters[i].matches(val[0], val[1])) { if (this.SPfilters[i] instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) { ishave = true; break; }else if (this.SPfilters[i].disabled) { this.SPfilters[i].disabled = false; SmartProxy.FilterView.updateFilter(this.SPfilters[i]); if (this.SPfilters[i] instanceof SPRegExpFilter && !SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(this.SPfilters[i])) SPdefaultMatcher.add(this.SPfilters[i]); ishave = true; SmartProxy.FilterView.updateData(); var afile = this._getSmartProxyfile("SPpatterns.json"); this._exportpatternsfile(afile); break; } } } if (!ishave) { let filter = SPFilter.fromText(SPFilter.normalize(val[1])); if (filter && filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter) { this.SPfilters.push(filter); var position = SmartProxy.FilterView.data.length; SmartProxy.FilterView.addFilterAt(position++, filter); if (!SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(filter)) SPdefaultMatcher.add(filter); var afile = this._getSmartProxyfile("SPpatterns.json"); this._exportpatternsfile(afile); } } } } }, loadGFWurl: function() { window.openNewTabWith("https://autoproxy.org/zh-CN/Subscriptions", null, null, null, false); }, _getSmartProxyfile : function(afile) { var profileDir = dirService.get("UChrm", Ci.nsIFile); var filedir = profileDir.clone().QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile); filedir.appendRelativePath("UCProfileDir"); filedir.appendRelativePath("SmartProxy"); if(!filedir.exists()) { filedir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700); } filedir.appendRelativePath(afile); return filedir; }, stringToFile : function(str, file) { var stream = new FileOutputStream(file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x20, -1, 0); var cos = new ConverterOutputStream(stream, "UTF-8", 16384, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); cos.writeString(str); cos.close(); stream.close(); }, _exportpatternsfile : function(file) { const PR_WRONLY = 0x02; const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08; const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20; var rjson = { createdBy : 'SmartProxy', createdAt : new Date(), SPfilters : [], DisbledFilter : [] }; for (var i = 0; i < this.SPfilters.length; i++) { rjson.SPfilters.push(this.SPfilters[i].text); if (this.SPfilters[i].disabled) rjson.DisbledFilter.push(this.SPfilters[i].text); } var fileStream = new FileOutputStream(file, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, 0644, 0); var stream = new ConverterOutputStream(fileStream, "UTF-8", 16384, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); stream.writeString(JSON.stringify(rjson, null, 4)); stream.close(); }, _importpatternsfile : function(file) { var fileStream = new FileInputStream(file, 0x01, 0444, 0); var stream = new ConverterInputStream(fileStream, "UTF-8", 16384, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); var str = {}; var rjson = ''; while (stream.readString(0xffffffff, str) != 0) { rjson += str.value; } stream.close(); rjson = JSON.parse(rjson); this._FilterIsReady = false; this.SPfilters = []; SPdefaultMatcher.clear(); for (var i = 0; i < rjson.SPfilters.length; i++) { let filter = SPFilter.fromText(SPFilter.normalize(rjson.SPfilters[i])); if (filter && filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && !SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(filter)) { SPdefaultMatcher.add(filter); this.SPfilters.push(filter); } } for (var i = 0; i < rjson.DisbledFilter.length; i++) { let filter = SPFilter.fromObject(SPFilter.normalize(rjson.DisbledFilter[i])); continue; } this._FilterIsReady = true; this.showMsg("共:" + this.SPfilters.length +"个规则!"); }, _importSUBpatternsfile : function(file) { var fileStream = new FileInputStream(file, 0x01, 0444, 0); var stream = new ConverterInputStream(fileStream, "UTF-8", 16384, Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); stream = stream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUnicharLineInputStream); var line = {}; this._FilterIsReady = false; var val = ""; var cont; var newcow = 0; do { cont = stream.readLine(line); val = line.value; val = val.trim(); if (val != "" && val[0] != "[" && val[0] != "!") { let filter = SPFilter.fromText(SPFilter.normalize(val)); if (filter && filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && !SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(filter)) { SPdefaultMatcher.add(filter); this.SPfilters.push(filter); if (this.Treevisible) { var position = SmartProxy.FilterView.data.length; SmartProxy.FilterView.addFilterAt(position++, filter); } newcow = newcow + 1; } } } while (cont); stream.close(); this._FilterIsReady = true; this.showMsg("共新增了:" + newcow.toString() +"个规则!"); return newcow; }, updatesubUrl: function(){ var nUrl = window.prompt('设置新的下载地址:',this.Prefs.url); if(!nUrl) return; nUrl = nUrl.trim(); var anew = makeURI(nUrl); if (anew && (anew.scheme == "http" || anew.scheme == "https")) { this._ps.setCharPref("url", nUrl); this.Prefs.url = nUrl; } else alert("非法的地址!"); }, updatesubFilter: function(){ function errorCallback(result) { SmartProxy.showMsg(result); if (result == SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_SUCCESS) { SmartProxy.showMsg("订阅规则更新成功!"); SmartProxy.addsubFilter(); } } SmartProxy.showMsg("请等待,正在更新..."); let url = this.Prefs.url; var request = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest); let me = this; request.onerror = function (event) { setTimeout(function () { errorCallback(request.statusText); }, 0); var error = request.statusText; return error; }; request.onload = function (event) { try { self._rawData = request.responseText; if (!self._rawData) { var error = '返回了一个空文件!'; setTimeout(function () { errorCallback(error); }, 0); return; } self._rawData = self._rawData.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); self._rawData = windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("").atob(self._rawData); SmartProxy.stringToFile(self._rawData, SmartProxy.SPfile); setTimeout(function () { errorCallback(SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_SUCCESS); }, 0); } catch (e) { setTimeout(function () { errorCallback(e.toString()); }, 0); } }; request.open("GET", url); request.send(null); }, addsubFilter: function() { if (this.SPfile.exists()) { var newrec = this._importSUBpatternsfile(this.SPfile); if (!SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted) SmartProxy.Proxy.init(); if (newrec > 0) SmartProxy.saveAllFilter(); } else { this.showMsg("没有找到订阅规则文件!"); } }, saveAllFilter: function() { var afile = this._getSmartProxyfile("SPpatterns.json"); this._exportpatternsfile(afile); this.showMsg("规则文件保存成功!"); }, EID: function(id){ return document.getElementById(id); }, }; SmartProxy.Proxy = { proxyserver: null, defaultProxy: null, proxyConfigs: [], DirectProxy: null, isRegisted: false, init: function() { if (!SmartProxy._FilterIsReady) return; SmartProxy.Proxy.proxyserver = []; SmartProxy.Proxy.DirectProxy = null; SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy = null; for (let aproxy of SmartProxy.proxyConfigs) { SmartProxy.Proxy.proxyserver.push(ProxySrv.newProxyInfo(aproxy.type, aproxy.host, aproxy.port, 1, 0, null)); } SmartProxy.Proxy.DirectProxy = ProxySrv.newProxyInfo('direct', '', -1, 0, 0, null); SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy = SmartProxy.Proxy.proxyserver[SmartProxy.Prefs.default_proxy]; if (!SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy) { SmartProxy.showMsg("无效的默认代理!"); return; } ProxySrv.registerFilter(SmartProxy.Proxy, 0); SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted = true; }, uninit: function() { ProxySrv.unregisterFilter(SmartProxy.Proxy); SmartProxy.Proxy.isRegisted = false; }, setdefaultProxy: function() { SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy = SmartProxy.Proxy.proxyserver[SmartProxy.Prefs.default_proxy]; }, applyFilter: function(ProxySrv, uri, aProxy) { if (SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode == 'disabled' || uri.schemeIs('feed')) return SmartProxy.Proxy.DirectProxy; if (SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode == 'global') { return SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy; } if (SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode == 'auto') SmartProxy.updateicon(SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode); var splttag = uri.spec.indexOf("?"); if (splttag > 20) var match = SPdefaultMatcher.matchesAny(uri.spec.substring(0, splttag), uri.host); else { splttag = uri.spec.indexOf("="); if (splttag > 20) var match = SPdefaultMatcher.matchesAny(uri.spec.substring(0, splttag), uri.host); else var match = SPdefaultMatcher.matchesAny(uri.spec, uri.host); } if (match) { if (SmartProxy.Proxy.CanNotProxy(match)) return SmartProxy.Proxy.DirectProxy; else { if (SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode == 'auto') SmartProxy.updateicon("auto-on"); return SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy; } }else{ if (SmartProxy.Prefs.proxyMode == 'auto') return SmartProxy.Proxy.DirectProxy; else return SmartProxy.Proxy.defaultProxy; } }, CanNotProxy: function(amatch) { if (amatch.disabled) return true; else if (amatch instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) return true; else return false; }, }; SmartProxy.FilterActions = { init: function() { let me = this; this.treeElement.parentNode.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) { me.keyPress(event); }, true); SmartProxy.FilterView.filters = SmartProxy.SPfilters; this.treeElement.view = SmartProxy.FilterView; this.treeElement.inputField.addEventListener("keypress", function(event) { if (event.keyCode >= event.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP && event.keyCode <= event.DOM_VK_DOWN) event.stopPropagation(); }, false); }, get treeElement() E("SPfiltersTree"), get visible() { return !this.treeElement.parentNode.collapsed; }, get focused() { let focused = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; while (focused) { if ("treeBoxObject" in focused && focused.treeBoxObject == SmartProxy.FilterView.boxObject) return true; focused = focused.parentNode; } return false; }, setSortOrder: function(sortOrder) { let col = (SmartProxy.FilterView.sortColumn ? SmartProxy.FilterView.sortColumn.id : "col-filter"); SmartProxy.FilterView.sortBy(col, sortOrder); }, selectionToggleDisabled: function() { if (this.treeElement.editingColumn) return; let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems.filter(function(i) i.filter instanceof SPActiveFilter); if (items.length) { SmartProxy.FilterView.boxObject.beginUpdateBatch(); let newValue = !items[0].filter.disabled; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].filter.disabled = newValue; SmartProxy.FilterView.updateFilter(items[i].filter); if (newValue) { if (items[i].filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(items[i].filter)) SPdefaultMatcher.remove(items[i].filter); } else { if (items[i].filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && !SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(items[i].filter)) SPdefaultMatcher.add(items[i].filter); } } SmartProxy.FilterView.boxObject.endUpdateBatch(); } }, startEditing: function() { if (this.treeElement.editingColumn) return; this.treeElement.startEditing(SmartProxy.FilterView.selection.currentIndex, SmartProxy.FilterView.boxObject.columns.getNamedColumn("col-filter")); }, insertFilter: function() { if (!SmartProxy.FilterView.editable || this.treeElement.editingColumn) return; SmartProxy.FilterView.insertEditDummy(); this.startEditing(); let tree = this.treeElement; let listener = function(event) { if (event.attrName == "editing" && tree.editingRow < 0) { tree.removeEventListener("DOMAttrModified", listener, false); SmartProxy.FilterView.removeEditDummy(); } } tree.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", listener, false); }, deleteItems: function(/**Array*/ items) { let oldIndex = SmartProxy.FilterView.selection.currentIndex; items.sort(function(entry1, entry2) entry2.index - entry1.index); for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (SmartProxy.FilterView.filters[items[i].index] == items[i].filter) { SmartProxy.FilterView.filters.splice(items[i].index, 1); SmartProxy.FilterView.removeFilterAt(items[i].index); if (items[i].filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(items[i].filter)) SPdefaultMatcher.remove(items[i].filter); } } SmartProxy.FilterView.selectRow(oldIndex); }, deleteSelected: function() { if (!SmartProxy.FilterView.editable || this.treeElement.editingColumn) return; let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems; if (items.length == 0 || (items.length >= 2 && !promptService.confirm(window, "确认删除吗?", "SmartProxy"))) return; this.deleteItems(items) }, keyPress: function(/**Event*/ event) { if (event.target != E("SPfiltersTree")) return; let modifiers = 0; if (event.charCode == " ".charCodeAt(0) && modifiers == 0 && !E("col-enabled").hidden) this.selectionToggleDisabled(); }, fillActionsPopup: function() { let editable = SmartProxy.FilterView.editable; let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems.filter(function(i) !i.filter.dummy); items.sort(function(entry1, entry2) entry1.index - entry2.index); E("SPfilters-edit-command").setAttribute("disabled", !editable || !items.length); E("SPfilters-delete-command").setAttribute("disabled", !editable || !items.length); E("SPfilters-copy-command").setAttribute("disabled", !items.length); E("SPfilters-Unicode-command").setAttribute("disabled", !editable || !items.length); let canopentag = false; if (items.length == 1) { let atext = items[0].filter.text; if (editable && (atext.indexOf("%") == -1 || (atext.indexOf("%") != -1 && atext.indexOf("zh.wikipedia.org") == 0)) && (atext.indexOf("*") == -1 || (atext.indexOf("*") != -1 && atext.indexOf("zh.wikipedia.org") == 0)) && (atext.indexOf("^") == -1) && (atext.indexOf("[") == -1) && (atext.indexOf("\\") == -1) && (atext.substring(0,1) != "/")) canopentag = true; } E("SPfilters-Opentab-command").setAttribute("disabled", !canopentag); }, copySelected: function(/**Boolean*/ keep) { let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems; if (!items.length) return; items.sort(function(entry1, entry2) entry1.index - entry2.index); let text = items.map(function(i) i.filter.text).join("\n"); clipboardHelper.copyString(text); if (!keep && SmartProxy.FilterView.editable && !this.treeElement.editingColumn) this.deleteItems(items); }, ConvertUnicode: function() { let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems; if (!items.length) return; items.sort(function(entry1, entry2) entry1.index - entry2.index); let text = items.map(function(i) i.filter.text).join("\n"); clipboardHelper.copyString(text); alert("已复制到剪切板: \n" + convertpEnc2Char(text)); }, Openfilterintab: function() { let items = SmartProxy.FilterView.selectedItems; if (!items.length || items.length != 1) return; let atext = items[0].filter.text; if ((atext.indexOf("%") != -1 && atext.indexOf("zh.wikipedia.org") != 0) || (atext.indexOf("*") != -1 && atext.indexOf("zh.wikipedia.org") != 0) || (atext.indexOf("^") != -1) || (atext.indexOf("[") != -1) || (atext.indexOf("\\") != -1) || (atext.substring(0,1) == "/")) return; atext = atext.replace(/@|\|/gi, ""); if (atext.substring(0,1) == ".") atext = "http://www" + atext; else if (atext.substring(0,1) == "/") return; else if (atext.indexOf("zh.wikipedia.org") == 0) { atext = atext.replace("*", "/wiki/"); atext = "https://" + atext; } else if (atext.substring(0,4) == "www.") atext = "http://" + atext; else if (atext.substring(0,4) == "http") atext = "" + atext; else atext = "http://www." + atext; window.openNewTabWith(atext, window.gBrowser.contentDocument, null, null, false); } }; SmartProxy.FilterView = { init: function() { if (this.sortProcs) return; function compareText(/**Filter*/ filter1, /**Filter*/ filter2) { if (filter1.text < filter2.text) return -1; else if (filter1.text > filter2.text) return 1; else return 0; } function compareSlow(/**Filter*/ filter1, /**Filter*/ filter2) { let isSlow1 = filter1 instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.isSlowFilter(filter1); let isSlow2 = filter2 instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.isSlowFilter(filter2); return isSlow1 - isSlow2; } function compareEnabled(/**Filter*/ filter1, /**Filter*/ filter2) { let hasEnabled1 = (filter1 instanceof SPActiveFilter ? 1 : 0); let hasEnabled2 = (filter2 instanceof SPActiveFilter ? 1 : 0); if (hasEnabled1 != hasEnabled2) return hasEnabled1 - hasEnabled2; else if (hasEnabled1) return (filter2.disabled - filter1.disabled); else return 0; } function createSortFunction(cmpFunc, fallbackFunc, desc) { let factor = (desc ? -1 : 1); return function(entry1, entry2) { let isLast1 = ("origFilter" in entry1 && entry1.filter == null); let isLast2 = ("origFilter" in entry2 && entry2.filter == null); if (isLast1) return (isLast2 ? 0 : 1) else if (isLast2) return -1; let ret = cmpFunc(entry1.filter, entry2.filter); if (ret == 0 && fallbackFunc) return fallbackFunc(entry1.filter, entry2.filter); else return factor * ret; } } this.sortProcs = { filter: createSortFunction(compareText, null, false), filterDesc: createSortFunction(compareText, null, true), slow: createSortFunction(compareSlow, compareText, true), slowDesc: createSortFunction(compareSlow, compareText, false), enabled: createSortFunction(compareEnabled, compareText, false), enabledDesc: createSortFunction(compareEnabled, compareText, true) }; }, boxObject: null, atoms: null, noFiltersDummy: null, editDummy: null, data: [], get treeElement() this.boxObject ? this.boxObject.treeBody.parentNode : null, get isEmpty() { return !this.filters.length; }, get editable() { return true; }, get currentItem() { let index = this.selection.currentIndex; if (index >= 0 && index < this.data.length) return this.data[index]; return null; }, get selectedItems() { let items = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.selection.getRangeCount(); i++) { let min = {}; let max = {}; this.selection.getRangeAt(i, min, max); for (let j = min.value; j <= max.value; j++) if (j >= 0 && j < this.data.length) items.push(this.data[j]); } return items; }, getItemAt: function(x, y) { let row = this.boxObject.getRowAt(x, y); if (row >= 0 && row < this.data.length) return this.data[row]; else return null; }, _filters: 0, get filters() this._filters, set filters(value) { if (value == this._filters) return; if (this.treeElement) this.treeElement.stopEditing(true); this._filters = value; this.refresh(true); }, _dirty: false, refresh: function(force) { if (SmartProxy.Treevisible) { if (!force && !this._dirty) return; this._dirty = false; this.updateData(); this.selectRow(0); } else this._dirty = true; }, sortProcs: null, sortColumn: null, sortProc: null, sortBy: function(col, direction) { let newSortColumn = null; if (col) { newSortColumn = this.boxObject.columns.getNamedColumn(col).element; if (!direction) { if (this.sortColumn == newSortColumn) direction = (newSortColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection") == "ascending" ? "descending" : "ascending"); else direction = "ascending"; } } if (this.sortColumn && this.sortColumn != newSortColumn) this.sortColumn.removeAttribute("sortDirection"); this.sortColumn = newSortColumn; if (this.sortColumn) { this.sortColumn.setAttribute("sortDirection", direction); this.sortProc = this.sortProcs[col.replace(/^col-/, "") + (direction == "descending" ? "Desc" : "")]; } else this.sortProc = null; if (this.data.length > 1) { this.updateData(); this.boxObject.invalidate(); } }, addDummyRow: function() { if (this.boxObject && this.data.length == 0) { //if (this._subscription) this.data.splice(0, 0, this.noFiltersDummy); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(0, 1); } }, removeDummyRow: function() { if (this.boxObject && this.isEmpty && this.data.length) { this.data.splice(0, 1); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(0, -1); } }, insertEditDummy: function() { SmartProxy.FilterView.removeDummyRow(); let position = this.selection.currentIndex; if (position >= this.data.length) position = this.data.length - 1; if (position < 0) position = 0; this.editDummy.index = (position < this.data.length ? this.data[position].index : this.data.length); this.editDummy.position = position; this.data.splice(position, 0, this.editDummy); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(position, 1); this.selectRow(position); }, removeEditDummy: function() { let position = this.editDummy.position; if (typeof position != "undefined" && position < this.data.length && this.data[position] == this.editDummy) { this.data.splice(position, 1); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(position, -1); SmartProxy.FilterView.addDummyRow(); this.selectRow(position); } }, selectRow: function(row) { if (this.selection) { row = Math.min(Math.max(row, 0), this.data.length - 1); this.selection.select(row); this.boxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(row); } }, selectFilter: function(/**Filter*/ filter) { let index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { if (this.data[i].filter == filter) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) { SmartProxy.FilterView.selectRow(index); SmartProxy.FilterView.treeElement.focus(); } }, updateData: function() { let oldCount = this.rowCount; if (this.filters && this.filters.length) { this.data = this.filters.map(function(f, i) ({index: i, filter: f})); if (this.sortProc) { let followingFilter = null; for (let i = this.data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { followingFilter = this.data[i].filter; } this.data.sort(this.sortProc); for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { if ("origFilter" in this.data[i]) { this.data[i].filter = this.data[i].origFilter; delete this.data[i].origFilter; } } } } else this.data = []; if (this.boxObject) { this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(0, -oldCount); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(0, this.rowCount); } this.addDummyRow(); }, updateFilter: function(/**Filter*/ filter) { for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) if (this.data[i].filter == filter) { if (SmartProxy.Treevisible) this.boxObject.invalidateRow(i); } }, addFilterAt: function(/**Integer*/ position, /**Filter*/ filter) { if (this.data.length == 1 && this.data[0].filter.dummy) { this.data.splice(0, 1); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(0, -1); } if (this.sortProc) { this.updateData(); for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { if (this.data[i].index == position) { position = i; break; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) if (this.data[i].index >= position) this.data[i].index++; this.data.splice(position, 0, {index: position, filter: filter}); } if (SmartProxy.Treevisible) this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(position, 1); this.selectRow(position); }, removeFilterAt: function(/**Integer*/ position) { for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) { if (this.data[i].index == position) { this.data.splice(i, 1); this.boxObject.rowCountChanged(i, -1); i--; } else if (this.data[i].index > position) this.data[i].index--; } this.addDummyRow(); }, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITreeView]), setTree: function(boxObject) { this.init(); this.boxObject = boxObject; if (this.boxObject) { this.noFiltersDummy = {index: 0, filter: {text: this.boxObject.treeBody.getAttribute("noFiltersText"), dummy: true}}; this.editDummy = {filter: {text: ""}}; let atomService = Cc["@mozilla.org/atom-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAtomService); let stringAtoms = ["col-filter", "col-enabled", "type-filterlist", "type-whitelist"]; let boolAtoms = ["selected", "dummy", "slow", "disabled"]; this.atoms = {}; for (let atom of stringAtoms) this.atoms[atom] = atomService.getAtom(atom); for (let atom of boolAtoms) { this.atoms[atom + "-true"] = atomService.getAtom(atom + "-true"); this.atoms[atom + "-false"] = atomService.getAtom(atom + "-false"); } let columns = this.boxObject.columns; for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) if (columns[i].element.hasAttribute("sortDirection")) this.sortBy(columns[i].id, columns[i].element.getAttribute("sortDirection")); this.refresh(true); } }, selection: null, get rowCount() this.data.length, getCellText: function(row, col) { if (row < 0 || row >= this.data.length) return null; col = col.id; if (col != "col-filter" && col != "col-slow") return null; let filter = this.data[row].filter; if (col == "col-filter") return filter.text; else if (col == "col-slow") return (filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.isSlowFilter(filter) ? "!" : null); return null; }, generateProperties: function(list, properties) { if (properties) { // Gecko 21 and below: we have an nsISupportsArray parameter, add atoms // to that. for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (list[i] in this.atoms) properties.AppendElement(this.atoms[list[i]]); return null; } else { // Gecko 22+: no parameter, just return a string return list.join(" "); } }, getColumnProperties: function(col, properties) { return this.generateProperties(["col-" + col.id], properties); }, getRowProperties: function(row, properties) { if (row < 0 || row >= this.data.length) return ""; let list = []; let filter = this.data[row].filter; list.push("selected-" + this.selection.isSelected(row)); list.push("slow-" + (filter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.isSlowFilter(filter))); if (filter instanceof SPActiveFilter) list.push("disabled-" + filter.disabled); list.push("dummy-" + ("dummy" in filter)); if (filter instanceof SPBlockingFilter) list.push("type-filterlist"); else if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) list.push("type-whitelist"); return this.generateProperties(list, properties); }, getCellProperties: function(row, col, properties) { return this.getRowProperties(row, properties) + " " + this.getColumnProperties(col, properties); }, cycleHeader: function(col) { let oldDirection = col.element.getAttribute("sortDirection"); if (oldDirection == "ascending") this.sortBy(col.id, "descending"); else if (oldDirection == "descending") this.sortBy(null, null); else this.sortBy(col.id, "ascending"); }, isSorted: function() { return (this.sortProc != null); }, isEditable: function(row, col) { if (row < 0 || row >= this.data.length) return false; let filter = this.data[row].filter; if (col.id == "col-filter") return !("dummy" in filter); else return false; }, setCellText: function(row, col, value) { if (row < 0 || row >= this.data.length || col.id != "col-filter") return; let oldFilter = this.data[row].filter; let position = this.data[row].index; value = SPFilter.normalize(value); if (!value || value == oldFilter.text) return; this.treeElement.stopEditing(); let newFilter = SPFilter.fromText(value); if (this.data[row] == this.editDummy) this.removeEditDummy(); else { if (this.filters[position] == oldFilter) { this.filters.splice(position, 1); if (oldFilter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(oldFilter)) SPdefaultMatcher.remove(oldFilter); } } this.filters.splice(position, 0, newFilter); if (newFilter instanceof SPRegExpFilter && !SPdefaultMatcher.hasFilter(newFilter)) SPdefaultMatcher.add(newFilter); }, cycleCell: function(row, col) { if (row < 0 || row >= this.data.length || col.id != "col-enabled") return; let filter = this.data[row].filter; if (filter instanceof SPActiveFilter) filter.disabled = !filter.disabled; }, isContainer: function(row) false, isContainerOpen: function(row) false, isContainerEmpty: function(row) true, getLevel: function(row) 0, getParentIndex: function(row) -1, hasNextSibling: function(row, afterRow) false, toggleOpenState: function(row) {}, getProgressMode: function() null, getImageSrc: function() null, isSeparator: function() false, performAction: function() {}, performActionOnRow: function() {}, performActionOnCell: function() {}, getCellValue: function() null, setCellValue: function() {}, selectionChanged: function() {}, }; SmartProxy.FilterSearch = { init: function() { let findbar = E("findbar"); findbar.browser = SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser; findbar.addEventListener("keypress", function(event){ if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) event.preventDefault(); }, false); findbar.toggleHighlight = function() {}; }, search: function(text, direction, caseSensitive) { function normalizeString(string) caseSensitive ? string : string.toLowerCase(); function findText(text, direction, startIndex) { let list = E("SPfiltersTree"); let col = list.columns.getNamedColumn("col-filter"); let count = list.view.rowCount; for (let i = startIndex + direction; i >= 0 && i < count; i += (direction || 1)) { let filter = normalizeString(list.view.getCellText(i, col)); if (filter.indexOf(text) >= 0) { SmartProxy.FilterView.selectRow(i); return true; } } return false; } text = normalizeString(text); if (findText(text, direction, E("SPfiltersTree").currentIndex)) return Ci.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_FOUND; return Ci.nsITypeAheadFind.FIND_NOTFOUND; } }; SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser = { finder: { _resultListeners: [], searchString: null, caseSensitive: false, lastResult: null, _notifyResultListeners: function(result, findBackwards) { this.lastResult = result; for each (let listener in this._resultListeners) listener.onFindResult(result, findBackwards); }, fastFind: function(searchString, linksOnly, drawOutline) { this.searchString = searchString; let result = SmartProxy.FilterSearch.search(this.searchString, 0, this.caseSensitive); this._notifyResultListeners(result, false); }, findAgain: function(findBackwards, linksOnly, drawOutline) { let result = SmartProxy.FilterSearch.search(this.searchString, findBackwards ? -1 : 1, this.caseSensitive); this._notifyResultListeners(result, findBackwards); }, addResultListener: function(listener) { if (this._resultListeners.indexOf(listener) === -1) this._resultListeners.push(listener); }, removeResultListener: function(listener) { let index = this._resultListeners.indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) this._resultListeners.splice(index, 1); }, // Irrelevant for us highlight: function(highlight, word) {}, enableSelection: function() {}, removeSelection: function() {}, focusContent: function() {}, keyPress: function() {} }, get _lastSearchString() { return this.finder.searchString; }, fastFind: { get searchString() { return SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.searchString; }, set searchString(searchString) { SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.searchString = searchString; }, foundLink: null, foundEditable: null, get caseSensitive() { return SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.caseSensitive; }, set caseSensitive(caseSensitive) { SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; }, get currentWindow() SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.contentWindow, find: function(searchString, linksOnly) { SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.fastFind(searchString, linksOnly); return SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.lastResult; }, findAgain: function(findBackwards, linksOnly) { SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.findAgain(findBackwards, linksOnly); return SmartProxy.FilterSearch.fakeBrowser.finder.lastResult; }, init: function() {}, setDocShell: function() {}, setSelectionModeAndRepaint: function() {}, collapseSelection: function() {} }, currentURI: makeURI("http://example.com/"), contentWindow: { focus: function() { E("SPfiltersTree").focus(); }, scrollByLines: function(num) { E("SPfiltersTree").boxObject.scrollByLines(num); }, scrollByPages: function(num) { E("SPfiltersTree").boxObject.scrollByPages(num); }, }, addEventListener: function(event, handler, capture) { E("SPfiltersTree").addEventListener(event, handler, capture); }, removeEventListener: function(event, handler, capture) { E("SPfiltersTree").addEventListener(event, handler, capture); }, }; function SPFilter(text) { this.text = text; } SPFilter.prototype = { text: null, serialize: function(buffer) { buffer.push("[Filter]"); buffer.push("text=" + this.text); }, toString: function() { return this.text; } }; SPFilter.knownFilters = {__proto__: null}; SPFilter.regexpRegExp = /^(@@)?\/.*\/(?:\$~?[\w\-]+(?:=[^,\s]+)?(?:,~?[\w\-]+(?:=[^,\s]+)?)*)?$/; SPFilter.optionsRegExp = /\$(~?[\w\-]+(?:=[^,\s]+)?(?:,~?[\w\-]+(?:=[^,\s]+)?)*)$/; SPFilter.fromText = function(text) { if (text in SPFilter.knownFilters) return SPFilter.knownFilters[text]; let ret; if (text[0] == "!") ret = null; else ret = SPRegExpFilter.fromText(text); SPFilter.knownFilters[ret.text] = ret; return ret; } SPFilter.fromObject = function(text) { let ret = SPFilter.fromText(text); if (ret instanceof SPActiveFilter) { ret._disabled = true; } return ret; } SPFilter.normalize = function(text) { if (!text) return text; text = text.replace(/[^\S ]/g, ""); if (/^\s*!/.test(text)) { return text.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); } else return text.replace(/\s/g, ""); } function SPActiveFilter(text, domains) { SPFilter.call(this, text); this.domainSource = domains; } SPActiveFilter.prototype = { __proto__: SPFilter.prototype, _disabled: false, get disabled() this._disabled, set disabled(value) { if (value != this._disabled) { let oldValue = this._disabled; this._disabled = value; } return this._disabled; }, domainSource: null, domainSeparator: null, ignoreTrailingDot: true, domainSourceIsUpperCase: false, get domains() { let domains = null; if (this.domainSource) { let source = this.domainSource; if (!this.domainSourceIsUpperCase) { // RegExpFilter already have uppercase domains source = source.toUpperCase(); } let list = source.split(this.domainSeparator); if (list.length == 1 && list[0][0] != "~") { domains = {__proto__: null, "": false}; if (this.ignoreTrailingDot) list[0] = list[0].replace(/\.+$/, ""); domains[list[0]] = true; } else { let hasIncludes = false; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let domain = list[i]; if (this.ignoreTrailingDot) domain = domain.replace(/\.+$/, ""); if (domain == "") continue; let include; if (domain[0] == "~") { include = false; domain = domain.substr(1); } else { include = true; hasIncludes = true; } if (!domains) domains = {__proto__: null}; domains[domain] = include; } domains[""] = !hasIncludes; } this.domainSource = null; } this.__defineGetter__("domains", function() domains); return this.domains; }, isActiveOnDomain: function(/**String*/ docDomain) /**Boolean*/ { if (!this.domains) return true; if (!docDomain) return this.domains[""]; if (this.ignoreTrailingDot) docDomain = docDomain.replace(/\.+$/, ""); docDomain = docDomain.toUpperCase(); while (true) { if (docDomain in this.domains) return this.domains[docDomain]; let nextDot = docDomain.indexOf("."); if (nextDot < 0) break; docDomain = docDomain.substr(nextDot + 1); } return this.domains[""]; }, isActiveOnlyOnDomain: function(/**String*/ docDomain) /**Boolean*/ { if (!docDomain || !this.domains || this.domains[""]) return false; if (this.ignoreTrailingDot) docDomain = docDomain.replace(/\.+$/, ""); docDomain = docDomain.toUpperCase(); for (let domain of this.domains) if (this.domains[domain] && domain != docDomain && (domain.length <= docDomain.length || domain.indexOf("." + docDomain) != domain.length - docDomain.length - 1)) return false; return true; }, serialize: function(buffer) { if (this._disabled) { SPFilter.prototype.serialize.call(this, buffer); if (this._disabled) buffer.push("disabled=true"); } } }; function SPRegExpFilter(text, regexpSource, domains) { SPActiveFilter.call(this, text, domains); if (regexpSource.length >= 2 && regexpSource[0] == "/" && regexpSource[regexpSource.length - 1] == "/") { let regexp = new RegExp(regexpSource.substr(1, regexpSource.length - 2), "i"); this.__defineGetter__("regexp", function() regexp); } else { this.regexpSource = regexpSource; } } SPRegExpFilter.prototype = { __proto__: SPActiveFilter.prototype, domainSourceIsUpperCase: true, length: 1, domainSeparator: "|", regexpSource: null, get regexp() { let source = this.regexpSource .replace(/\*+/g, "*") // remove multiple wildcards .replace(/\^\|$/, "^") // remove anchors following separator placeholder .replace(/\W/g, "\\$&") // escape special symbols .replace(/\\\*/g, ".*") // replace wildcards by .* // process separator placeholders (all ANSI characters but alphanumeric characters and _%.-) .replace(/\\\^/g, "(?:[\\x00-\\x24\\x26-\\x2C\\x2F\\x3A-\\x40\\x5B-\\x5E\\x60\\x7B-\\x7F]|$)") .replace(/^\\\|\\\|/, "^[\\w\\-]+:\\/+(?!\\/)(?:[^\\/]+\\.)?") // process extended anchor at expression start .replace(/^\\\|/, "^") // process anchor at expression start .replace(/\\\|$/, "$") // process anchor at expression end .replace(/^(\.\*)/, "") // remove leading wildcards .replace(/(\.\*)$/, ""); // remove trailing wildcards let regexp = new RegExp(source, "i"); delete this.regexpSource; this.__defineGetter__("regexp", function() regexp); return this.regexp; }, matches: function(location, docDomain) { if (this.regexp.test(location) && this.isActiveOnDomain(docDomain)) { return true; } return false; } }; SPRegExpFilter.prototype.__defineGetter__("0", function() { return this; }); SPRegExpFilter.fromText = function(text) { let blocking = true; let origText = text; if (text.indexOf("@@") == 0) { blocking = false; text = text.substr(2); } let domains = null; try { if (blocking) return new SPBlockingFilter(origText, text, domains); else return new SPWhitelistFilter(origText, text, domains); } catch (e) { return null; } } function SPBlockingFilter(text, regexpSource, domains) { SPRegExpFilter.call(this, text, regexpSource, domains); } SPBlockingFilter.prototype = { __proto__: SPRegExpFilter.prototype, }; function SPWhitelistFilter(text, regexpSource, domains) { SPRegExpFilter.call(this, text, regexpSource, domains); } SPWhitelistFilter.prototype = { __proto__: SPRegExpFilter.prototype, } function SPMatcher() { this.clear(); } SPMatcher.prototype = { filterByKeyword: null, keywordByFilter: null, clear: function() { this.filterByKeyword = {__proto__: null}; this.keywordByFilter = {__proto__: null}; }, add: function(filter) { if (filter.text in this.keywordByFilter) return; let keyword = this.findKeyword(filter); let oldEntry = this.filterByKeyword[keyword]; if (typeof oldEntry == "undefined") this.filterByKeyword[keyword] = filter; else if (oldEntry.length == 1) this.filterByKeyword[keyword] = [oldEntry, filter]; else oldEntry.push(filter); this.keywordByFilter[filter.text] = keyword; }, remove: function(filter) { if (!(filter.text in this.keywordByFilter)) return; let keyword = this.keywordByFilter[filter.text]; let list = this.filterByKeyword[keyword]; if (list.length <= 1) delete this.filterByKeyword[keyword]; else { let index = list.indexOf(filter); if (index >= 0) { list.splice(index, 1); if (list.length == 1) this.filterByKeyword[keyword] = list[0]; } } delete this.keywordByFilter[filter.text]; }, findKeyword: function(filter) { let result = ""; let text = filter.text; if (SPFilter.regexpRegExp.test(text)) return result; let match = SPFilter.optionsRegExp.exec(text); if (match) text = match.input.substr(0, match.index); if (text.substr(0, 2) == "@@") text = text.substr(2); let candidates = text.toLowerCase().match(/[^a-z0-9%*][a-z0-9%]{3,}(?=[^a-z0-9%*])/g); if (!candidates) return result; let hash = this.filterByKeyword; let resultCount = 0xFFFFFF; let resultLength = 0; for (let i = 0, l = candidates.length; i < l; i++) { let candidate = candidates[i].substr(1); let count = (candidate in hash ? hash[candidate].length : 0); if (count < resultCount || (count == resultCount && candidate.length > resultLength)) { result = candidate; resultCount = count; resultLength = candidate.length; } } return result; }, hasFilter: function(/**RegExpFilter*/ filter) /**Boolean*/ { return (filter.text in this.keywordByFilter); }, getKeywordForFilter: function(/**RegExpFilter*/ filter) /**String*/ { if (filter.text in this.keywordByFilter) return this.keywordByFilter[filter.text]; else return null; }, _checkEntryMatch: function(keyword, location, docDomain) { let list = this.filterByKeyword[keyword]; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let filter = list[i]; if (filter.matches(location, docDomain)) return filter; } return null; }, matchesAny: function(location, docDomain) { let candidates = location.toLowerCase().match(/[a-z0-9%]{3,}/g); if (candidates === null) candidates = []; candidates.push(""); for (let i = 0, l = candidates.length; i < l; i++) { let substr = candidates[i]; if (substr in this.filterByKeyword) { let result = this._checkEntryMatch(substr, location, docDomain); if (result) return result; } } return null; } }; function SPCombinedMatcher() { this.blacklist = new SPMatcher(); this.whitelist = new SPMatcher(); this.keys = {__proto__: null}; this.resultCache = {__proto__: null}; } SPCombinedMatcher.maxCacheEntries = 1000; SPCombinedMatcher.prototype = { blacklist: null, whitelist: null, keys: null, resultCache: null, cacheEntries: 0, clear: function() { this.blacklist.clear(); this.whitelist.clear(); this.keys = {__proto__: null}; this.resultCache = {__proto__: null}; this.cacheEntries = 0; }, add: function(filter) { if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) this.whitelist.add(filter); else this.blacklist.add(filter); if (this.cacheEntries > 0) { this.resultCache = {__proto__: null}; this.cacheEntries = 0; } }, remove: function(filter) { if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) this.whitelist.remove(filter); else this.blacklist.remove(filter); if (this.cacheEntries > 0) { this.resultCache = {__proto__: null}; this.cacheEntries = 0; } }, findKeyword: function(filter) { if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) return this.whitelist.findKeyword(filter); else return this.blacklist.findKeyword(filter); }, hasFilter: function(filter) { if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) return this.whitelist.hasFilter(filter); else return this.blacklist.hasFilter(filter); }, getKeywordForFilter: function(filter) { if (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter) return this.whitelist.getKeywordForFilter(filter); else return this.blacklist.getKeywordForFilter(filter); }, isSlowFilter: function(/**RegExpFilter*/ filter) /**Boolean*/ { let matcher = (filter instanceof SPWhitelistFilter ? this.whitelist : this.blacklist); if (matcher.hasFilter(filter)) return !matcher.getKeywordForFilter(filter); else return !matcher.findKeyword(filter); }, matchesAnyInternal: function(location, docDomain) { let candidates = location.toLowerCase().match(/[a-z0-9%]{3,}/g); if (candidates === null) candidates = []; candidates.push(""); let blacklistHit = null; for (let i = 0, l = candidates.length; i < l; i++) { let substr = candidates[i]; if (substr in this.whitelist.filterByKeyword) { let result = this.whitelist._checkEntryMatch(substr, location, docDomain); if (result) return result; } if (substr in this.blacklist.filterByKeyword && blacklistHit === null) blacklistHit = this.blacklist._checkEntryMatch(substr, location, docDomain); } return blacklistHit; }, matchesAny: function(location, docDomain) { let key = location + " " + docDomain; if (key in this.resultCache) return this.resultCache[key]; let result = this.matchesAnyInternal(location, docDomain); if (this.cacheEntries >= SPCombinedMatcher.maxCacheEntries) { this.resultCache = {__proto__: null}; this.cacheEntries = 0; } this.resultCache[key] = result; this.cacheEntries++; return result; }, matchesByKey: function(/**String*/ location, /**String*/ key, /**String*/ docDomain) { key = key.toUpperCase(); if (key in this.keys) { let filter = SPFilter.knownFilters[this.keys[key]]; if (filter && filter.matches(location, "DOCUMENT", docDomain, false)) return filter; else return null; } else return null; } } let SPdefaultMatcher = new SPCombinedMatcher(); SmartProxy.init(); window.SmartProxy = SmartProxy; function getFoxVer(){ var info = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo); var ver = parseInt(info.version.substr(0,3) * 10,10) / 10; return ver; } function addStyle(css) { var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" href="data:text/css;utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(css) + '"' ); return document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } function getFocusedWindow(){ var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (!focusedWindow || focusedWindow == window) return window.content; else return focusedWindow; } function getDomain(uri) { var host = getHostname(uri); try { var baseDomain = _eTLDService.getBaseDomainFromHost(host, 0); return _idnService.convertToDisplayIDN(baseDomain, {}); } catch (e) { if (e.name == "NS_ERROR_HOST_IS_IP_ADDRESS") { return host; } else if (e.name == "NS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DOMAIN_LEVELS") { return host; } else { throw e; } } } function getHostname(url) { try { return unwrapURL(url).host; } catch(e) { return null; } } function unwrapURL(url) { if (!(url instanceof Ci.nsIURI)) url = makeURI(url); if (url instanceof Ci.nsINestedURI) return url.innermostURI; else return url; } function makeURI(url) { try { return ioService.newURI(url, null, null); } catch (e) { return null; } } function E(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function convertpEnc2Char(str) { str = str.replace(/((%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})+)/g, function(matchstr, parens) { return convertpEsc2Char(parens); }); return str; } function convertpEsc2Char( str ) { var outputString = ""; var counter = 0; var n = 0; var listArray = str.split('%'); for ( var i = 1; i < listArray.length; i++ ) { var b = parseInt(listArray[i], 16); switch (counter) { case 0: if (0 <= b && b <= 0x7F) { outputString += dec2char(b); } else if (0xC0 <= b && b <= 0xDF) { counter = 1; n = b & 0x1F; } else if (0xE0 <= b && b <= 0xEF) { counter = 2; n = b & 0xF; } else if (0xF0 <= b && b <= 0xF7) { counter = 3; n = b & 0x7; } else { outputString += 'convertpEsc2Char: error!'; } break; case 1: if (b < 0x80 || b > 0xBF) { outputString += 'convertpEsc2Char: error!'; } counter--; outputString += dec2char((n << 6) | (b-0x80)); n = 0; break; case 2: case 3: if (b < 0x80 || b > 0xBF) { outputString += 'convertpEsc2Char: error!'; } n = (n << 6) | (b-0x80); counter--; break; } } return outputString; } function dec2char(n) { var result = ''; if (n <= 0xFFFF) { result += String.fromCharCode(n); } else if (n <= 0x10FFFF) { n -= 0x10000 result += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (n >> 10)) + String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 | (n & 0x3FF)); } else { result += 'dec2char error!'; } return result; } })('\ textbox.proxyName{ width: 60px; } .proxyHost{ width: 80px; } .proxyPort{ width: 40px; } radiogroup > .proxyHttp{ margin-left: 10px; } radiogroup > .proxySocks4, radiogroup > .proxySocks5{ margin-left: 21px;} .selBox{ margin-left: 10px; }\ #sp-contents {list-style-image: none; font-size: 14px; padding: 0; margin: 0; }\ .actionbtn { list-style-image: none; color: #484; font-size: 14px; }\ .actionbtn:hover { list-style-image: none; color: #555; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }\ .actiontoolbtn { list-style-image: none; font-size: 13px; font-weight:bold; margin: 0 5px 0 5px; }\ .actiontoolbtn:hover { list-style-image: none; color: #484; font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline; margin: 0 5px 0 5px; }\ #closesliderbar { list-style-image: url() !important;}\ tree { margin: 0px; } #col-slow { text-align: center; } #col-enabled { min-width: 48px; } #col-slow { min-width: 30px; }\ treechildren:-moz-locale-dir(rtl)::-moz-tree-cell(col-filter, type-whitelist),\ treechildren:-moz-locale-dir(rtl)::-moz-tree-cell(col-filter, type-filterlist) { direction: ltr; text-align: end; }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(col-filter, type-whitelist, selected-false) { color: #008000; }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(col-filter, dummy-true) { font-style: italic; }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(col-filter, type-whitelist, selected-false),\ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(col-slow) { font-size: 12px; }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(col-filter, disabled-true, selected-false) { color: #808080; }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(col-enabled, disabled-true) { list-style-image: url(); -moz-image-region: rect(13px 13px 26px 0px); }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(col-enabled, disabled-false) { list-style-image: url(); -moz-image-region: rect(0px 13px 13px 0px); }\ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(col-slow, slow-true) { list-style-image: url(); }\ '.replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ''));